
Kamis, 02 September 2010

FaceBook Agnes Monica

Mau Kenal Lebih dekat ma Agnes Monica? Berikut ini adalah link FaceBooknya Agnes Monica :

Profil Singkat
Ia mengawali karirnya sebagai penyanyi cilik yang berduet dengan Eza Yayang. Sejak itu. namanya mencuat hingga kini. Ia dikenal inovatif dan dinamis dalam bermusik dan meraih sederet prestasi.

Dialah Agnes Monica. Artis multitalenta ini tak hanya jago berolah vokal, namun Ia juga pandai berakting. Cewek kelahiran 1 Juli 1986 ini membuktikannya dalam sinetron PERNIKAHAN DINI yang membuat namanya semakin melambung.
Tekad Agnes di dunia entertaiment memang tak diragukan. Agnes sukses menyabet penghargaan bergengsi seperti 'Most Favorite Female' MTV 2006 dan "Artis Solo Wanita Terbaik" dan "Penyanyi Rhythm & Blues Terbaik" AMI Award 2006.
Sebanyak lima penghargaan disabet Agnes sepanjang tahun 2006, dan membuatnya terpilih sebagai 'Aktris Terpopuler 2006'.
Tak puas dengan penghargaan yang didapatnya, bintang penuh sensasi ini, berambisi untuk Go Internasional. Untuk mendukung ambisinya, Agnes mencoba menjajal akting dalam film THE HOSPITAL yang dibintanginya bersama Jerry Yan, dan menajamkan kekuatan vokalnya dengan menggandeng Keith Martin di album WHADDUP A...?!
Prestasi dan tanggungjawabnya terhadap bidang yang digelutinya membuat pihak LG Elektronik Indonesia kesengsem dan memilih Agnes untuk menjadi duta produk mereka selama beberapa tahun ke depan.
Pada 15 Mei 2007, Agnes menjadi penyanyi pembuka konser Boyz II Men di Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Sebelumnya Agnes direncanakan duet bareng Vanya, Maurice, Shawn, namun karena belum ada persiapan matang, kolaborasi tersebut batal dilakukan.(Eric 574nk/Sumber:KPL)

Terus Berjuang untuk Go International
Ia mengawali karirnya sebagai penyanyi cilik, berduet dengan Eza Yayang. Ketika itu, dia tercatat sebagai penyanyi cilik terpopuler di Indonesia. Setelah dewasa, ia dikenal sebagai penyanyi dewasa yang inovatif dan dinamis. Bahkan, sebagian masyarakat mengidentikannya dengan Britney Spears, menilik kemiripan dari koreografinya.
Penyanyi energik itu adalah Agnes Monica. Wanita kelahiran Jakarta, 1 Juli 1986 ini sejak anak-anak dikenal berbakat di bidang tarik suara. Selain ditempa di gereja, Agnes juga mengikuti kursus vokal di beberapa tempat.
Kepiawaian Agnes bernyanyi tercium pihak recording. Agnes didaulat meluncurkan membuat album anak-anak. Album pertamanya yang dirilis ke pasaran adalah Si Meong. Disusul album berikutnya, YESS, berduet dengan Eza Yayang. Album itulah yang melejitkan nama Agnes Monica ke dalam deretan penyanyi anak-anak terpopuler di akhir tahun 1990-an.
Agnes yang ketika itu baru berusia enam tahun, sudah memulai kariernya sebagai penyanyi dan presenter. Sebagai presenter di salah satu televisi swasta, Agnes tampil bersama kak Ferry, mantan personel grup musik ME.
Sebenarnya, Agnes tak hanya berprestasi di bidang olah vocal. Ia juga berprestasi di bidang akademis. Ia selalu menjadi juara kelas sejak SD hingga SMP. Bahkan, di SD Tarakanita Pluit Jakarta, Agnes adalah juara sekolah.
Karirnya makin berkibar ketika Agnes menginjak usia remaja. Selain bernyanyi, Agnes juga bermain sinetron. Perannya sebagai Lulu dalam sinetron Lupus, membuktikan kemampuannya sebagai artis multitalenta.
Sukses di tanah air, tak membuatnya cepat berpuas diri. Ia kemudian melebarkan aktivitas seninya ke mancanegara. Tahun 2005, Agnes bermain film The Hospital bersama Jerry Yan, salah satu personel F4 (kelompok artis muda asal Taiwan).
Setelah sukses di dunia akting, Agnes memutuskan untuk kembali bernyanyi. Akan tetapi, ia ingin muncul sebagai penyanyi dewasa, bukan penyanyi cilik lagi.
Mimpinya untuk merilis album lagu dewasa pun terwujud melalui album bertitel And The Story Goes. Album dewasa pertamanya itu terhitung sukses karena menembus angka penjualan hingga 300.000.
Sukses album pertama, memacu Agnes untuk tampil lebih ekspresif di album keduanya Whaduup A?!. Agnes menggandeng penyanyi kawakan, Keith Martin, pada lagu berjudul, Get Up. Konon, itu adalah langkah awalnya untuk go internasional.
Kini Agnes sibuk menjadi mahasiswi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pelita Harapan. Dia masih menyimpan segudang mimpi dan rencana. “Terus go international dan sukses. Pokoknya, dalam bisnis aku ingin jadi top bussines woman, dalam dunia entertainment aku mau jadi top artist, “ Ungkap Agnes di salah satu majalah wanita.(Eric 574nk/berbagai sumber)***
Agnes Gallery

Want to Know More near ma Agnetha Faltskog? Here is a link FaceBooknya Agnetha Faltskog:

Brief Profile
He began his career as a singer who duets with Eza Yayang. Since then. sticking out his name until now. He is known for innovative and dynamic in music and won a series of achievements.

He is Agnes Monica. This multitalented artist is not only good at playing vocal, but he is also good at acting. The girl was born July 1, 1986 EARLY MARRIAGE prove it in soap operas that made his name more and more inflated.
Agnes determination in the entertainment world was not in doubt. Agnes successfully won prestigious awards like 'Most Favorite Female' MTV in 2006 and "Best Female Solo Artist" and "Best Rhythm & Blues Singer" AMI Award 2006.
A total of five awards disabet Agnes throughout 2006, and elected him as 'Most Popular Actress in 2006'.
Not satisfied with the awards he got, the star of this mystery, ambition for Go International. To support his ambitions, Agnes tried tried acting in the movie THE HOSPITAL who starred with Jerry Yan, and sharpens the power of her vocals on the album took Keith Martin WHADDUP A. ..?!
Achievements and responsibilities to the field that they do make the LG Electronics Indonesia Agnes kesengsem and choose to become ambassadors of their products over the next few years.
On May 15, 2007, Agnes had become the opening concert singers Boyz II Men at Istora Senayan, Jakarta. Agnes previously planned duet with Vanya, Maurice, Shawn, but because there has been no preparation, collaboration is not completed. (Eric 574nk/Sumber: KPL)

Fight Continues to Go International
He began his career as a singer, a duet with Eza Yayang. At that time, he was noted as the most popular singer in Indonesia. As an adult, he was known as an innovative singer and dynamic adult. In fact, some communities mengidentikannya with Britney Spears, given the similarity of the choreography.
It is an energetic singer Agnetha Faltskog. Women born in Jakarta, July 1, 1986 since the children known talent in singing field. Besides being forged in the church, Agnes also attended a course vocals in some places.
Agnetha singing skill smelled the recording. Agnes was asked to launch a children's album. His first album was released to the market is Si meow. Followed the next album, YESS, a duet with Eza Yayang. That album, which jump-start the name Agnes Monica into a row of children's most popular singers in the late 1990s.
Agnes who was then six years old, had started his career as a singer and presenter. As a presenter at one of the private television, Agnes performed with kak Ferry, former band ME.
Actually, Agnes not only excel in the field if the vocals. He also excel in academics. He has always been a class champion from elementary to middle school. In fact, in elementary Tarakanita Pluit Jakarta, Agnes was the school champion.
His career was more fluttering when Agnes was a teenager. Besides singing, Agnes is also playing a soap opera. Her role as Lulu in drama Lupus, proving his ability as a multitalented artist.
Success in the homeland, not make it fast complacency. He later expanded his artistic activities abroad. Year 2005, Agnes played the film The Hospital with Jerry Yan, one of the band F4 (a group of young artists from Taiwan).
After success in the acting world, Agnes decided to return to sing. However, he wanted to appear as an adult singer, not the singer anymore.
His dream for any adult song album materialized through the album titled And The Story Goes. His first adult album count as a success because it broke the sale of up to 300,000.
Successful first album, Agnes spur to appear more expressive in her second album Whaduup A?!. Agnes took a seasoned singer, Keith Martin, the song entitled, Get Up. That said, it is the first step to go international.
Agnes is now busy being a student of Faculty of Law, University of Pelita Harapan. He still keeps plenty of dreams and plans. "To go international and successful. Anyway, in the business I want to be a top bussines woman, in the entertainment world I want to be a top artist, "said Agnes in one women's magazine. (Eric 574nk/berbagai source) ***

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