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Yuni Shara memiliki nama asli Wahyu Setyaning Budi, lahir di Malang, Jawa Timur, 3 Juni 1972. Saat ini bersama dengan Nina Tamam, Iga Mawarni, Rika Roeslan dan Andien, Yuni membentuk kelompok vokal dengan nama 5 Wanita.
Penyanyi pop yang belakangan banyak membawakan lagu-lagu tempoe Doloe dan melantunkan lagu-lagu mandarin ini, adalah kakak dari diva pop Krisdayanti dan istri dari pengusaha Henry Siahaan.
Perkawinannya dengan mantan suami artis dan penyanyi Nur Afni Oktavia itu, dikaruniai Cello Obient Siahaan, dan sebelumnya juga telah mengangkat anak, Cavin Obrient Salomon.
Yuni sendiri sebelumnya juga pernah menikah dengan Raymond Manthey, pria yang pernah juga menjadi pacar aktris Ussy Ussy Sulistiawaty. Namun usia perkawinan mereka hanya seumur jagung.
Biduk rumah tangga Yuni yang dibangun bersama Henry Siahaan selama 11 tahun tak dapat dipertahankan lagi. Pada 17 Juni 2008, melalui Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Yuni resmi bercerai dari Henry.
Menyandang status janda untuk yang kedua kali bukanlah hal yang mudah bagi Yuni. Sempat diberitakan nikah siri dengan salah satu anggota legislatif, kali ini Yuni dikabarkan tengah menjalin hubungan dengan pesinetron muda, Raffi Ahmad. Yuni sendiri tak menampik kedekatan hubungan mereka.
Pasangan berbeda usia ini bahkan tak lagi canggung untuk tampil mesra di depan publik. Yuni seringkali terlihat menemani saat Raffi tampil sebagai presenter di beberapa acara televisi. Begitupula saat Yuni menyanyi, Raffi tak segan menemani. Pasangan ini bahkan bersama-sama membintangi sebuah produk kecantikan.
Kedekatannya dengan sang adik, Krisdayanti tak diragukan lagi. Saat tersandung masalah kedua kakak adik ini selalu mendukung satu sama lain. Terbukti ketika Yuni menghadapi kasus perceraiannya dengan Henry, KD selalu menghiburnya.
Awal April 2010 kedekatan Yuni dengan sang adik membuatnya tersandung masalah. Yuni dikabarkan akan dimejahijaukan karena komentarnya di media menyikapi hubungan antara KD dan Raul Lemos. Istri Raul, Shechah Salem Sagran alias Atha tidak terima gara-gara Yuni mengatakan bahwa Raul telah menduda. Namun pertengahan April, Yuni yang didampingi Raul menggelar jumpa pers dan menjelaskan posisinya dalam konflik Raul-Atha-KD.
Dalam karir bermusiknya, Yuni telah merilis beberapa album. Kucari Jalan Terbaik merupakan album terbarunya pada 2009. Tahun 2010 Yuni terlihat makin eksis dengan sering tampil di beberapa acara musik dan televisi. Selain bersolokarir, bersama 4 penyanyi wanita lainnya, Nina Tamam, Iga Mawarni, dan Rika Roeslan, Yuni membentuk grup vokal wanita, 5 Wanita.
Berpasangan dengan kekasihnya, Raffi Ahmad, Yuni Shara berduet dan membuat video klip baru untuk lagu 50 Tahun Lagi. Video klip bernuansa clubbing ini didukung beberapa musisi dan selebriti seperti Krisdayanti, Rossa, Kristina, Nina Tamam, Ina dan Jeremy Thomas, juga Tamara Geraldine. Sempat dikutip bahwa video klip ini menunjukkan kemesraan Yuni-Rafi juga kedekatan mereka dengan beberapa selebriti lain yang memang terjadi di dunia nyata.
Kedekatan dan kemesraan Yuni dan Rafi mendapat perhatian lebih dari publik dengan didapatkannya penghargaan sebagai Best Couple of the Year 2010 yang diadakan oleh INSERT.
He was known to the public through the arena Miss Indonesia 2005. At that time he was sent DKI Jakarta province. In fact, he fought a chance to represent Indonesia at Miss Universe in 2006 which took place at the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, United States. He won a second championship for the National Cultural TerbaikYuni Shara has Setyaning Budi Wahyu original name, was born in Malang, East Java, June 3, 1972. Currently, together with Nina Tamam, Iga Mawarni, Ruslan and Andien Rica, Yuni formed a vocal group with five women.
Pop singer who later brought a lot of songs and chanting tempoe Doloe mandarin songs, is the sister of pop diva Kris Kristofferson and the wife of businessman Henry Siahaan.
His marriage to former actress and singer husband Nur Afni Oktavia that, gifted Cello Obient Siahaan, and previously also been raised children, Cavin Obrient Salomon.
Taio himself had previously been married to Raymond Manthey, the man who had also become an actress girlfriend Ussy Ussy Sulistiawaty. But their marriage age only for the rest corn.
Plow Taio households with Henry Siahaan built during 11 years can not be maintained anymore. On June 17, 2008, through the South Jakarta District Court, Yuni officially divorced from Henry.
Holds the status of a widow for the second time is not easy for Yuni. Siri marriage had preached with one member of the legislature, this time supposedly Yuni pesinetron relationship with a young, Raffi Ahmad. Taio himself did not reject closeness of their relationship.
Different couples this age do not even more awkward to perform intimate in public. Yuni is often seen to accompany when Raffi appear as a presenter on several television shows. Neither when Yuni singing, Raffi was reluctant to accompany. The couple starred together even a beauty product.
Proximity to her sister, Kris Kristofferson no doubt. When the two brothers stumble problem has always been supportive of one another. Yuni face confirmed when his divorce case with Henry, KD always comforted her.
Beginning April 2010 Yuni closeness with her sister made her trip over the problem. Yuni is rumored to be dimejahijaukan because of his comments in the media addressing the relationship between KD and Raul Lemos. Raul's wife, Atha Shechah aka Salem Sagran not accept because Yuni said that Raul had been widowed. But mid-April, which was accompanied by Raul Yuni held a press conference and explain his position in the conflict-Atha-KD Raul.
In a musical career, Taio has released several albums. I'm looking for the Best Way is the newest album in 2009. Year 2010 Yuni looks increasingly exist with often appear in several music events and television. Bersolokarir addition, together with four other female singers, Nina Tamam, Iga Mawarni, and Ruslan Rica, Yuni formed vocal group of women, five women.
Paired with her boyfriend, Raffi Ahmad, Taio Cruz duet and made a new video clip for the song 50 Years After. This video clip clubbing nuanced supported a number of musicians and celebrities such as Kris Kristofferson, Rossa, Kristina, Nina Tamam, Ina and Jeremy Thomas, also Tamara Geraldine. Had cited a video clip that shows the intimacy Yuni-Rafi also their closeness with some other celebrities that did happen in the real world.
Closeness and intimacy Yuni and Rafi got more attention from the public with the acquisition of the award as the Best Couple of the Year 2010 which was held by the INSERT. and Princess Friendship.
Who else could it be Nadine Chandrawinata. Women's Indonesian-German descent, the traditional dress in the style of Queen Kencono Wungu or Tribhuwana Wijayatungga in Miss Universe's.
As a result of its participation in world events, the film star REALITY, LOVE, and Rock'N Roll (2006) This demonstration Islamic Front (FPI members) to the Polda Metro Jaya on July 19, 2006. Nadine was accused of violating Article 281 of the Criminal Code regarding obscenity in keikutsertaanya at the Miss Universe 2006.
174 cm in height owners who are also brothers soap star Chandrawinata twins Marcel and Mischa is still listed as a student of London School.
(Eric Senjaya / Source: KPL)
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