Prisa yang sejak tahun 2001 dikenal sebagai salah satu female rock guitarist ternyata baru berusia 20 tahun.. tepatnya kelahiran 6 Jan 1988 asal Padang (bokap Padang, nyokap Lampung/Palembang).
Salah satu penyebab Prisa mulai tertarik dengan musik pada masa kecilnya adalah karena adanya piano yang nganggur di rumahnya. Waktu itu Prisa baru kelas 3 SD dan usianya juga baru 7 tahun, namun Prisa berusaha untuk memainkannya walaupun kakinya belum bisa mencapai pedal piano tersebut. Kebetulan suatu hari ketika teman kakaknya datang ke rumahnya... Prisa kepergok sedang mencoba memainkan piano tersebut. Tergerak hati teman kakaknya untuk mengajarkan sedikit basic tentang permainan piano, waktu itu yang berusaha diajarkan adalah chord.
Di luar dugaan teman kakaknya tersebut sempat kaget dengan cepatnya daya tangkap Prisa terhadap pelajaran piano yang diberikan. Sejak itu teman kakaknya tanggap jika Prisa memang berbakat musik dan menyarankan orangtua Prisa untuk memberikan les piano kepada Prisa. Pada usia 8 tahun akhirnya Prisa diberikan les privat piano. Ternyata les privat yang diberikan malah bukan piano, namun "electone" (sejenis piano). Les privat electone tersebut berjalan sampai Prisa berusia 10 tahun. Prisa kemudian mengembangkan permainan electonenya ke piano secara otodidak, Prisa mencoba membawakan lagu "Entertainer" & "Fur Elize" (Beethoven) versi dia sendiri.
Sesudah lulus SD Prisa masuk ke Asrama Pelita Harapan (PH), di PH setiap pulang sekolah murid diwajibkan mengambil salah satu les. Kemudian Prisa langsung memilih piano tanpa ragu-ragu. Kebetulan teman sekamarnya mengambil les piano juga. Ternyata permainan piano Prisa jauh lebih berkembang dibanding teman sekamarnya itu, temannya pun sempat gusar dan kemudian pindah ke alat musik gitar akustik. Guru Prisa sempat senang dengan perkembangan Prisa di permainan pianonya. Namun Prisa pun merasa kehilangan teman main musik, ketika dia melihat gitar temannya yang tergeletak di kamar tersebut... Prisa pun menjadi penasaran dengan alat musik gitar tersebut dan kemudian curi-curi main gitar tersebut.
Di suatu hari Prisa kepergok temannya ketika sedang mencoba memainkan gitar tersebut, Prisa kemudian dilarang oleh temannya itu agar tidak pernah lagi menyentuh gitarnya. Akhirnya di detik itu juga Prisa bertekad belajar gitar untuk menyaingi temannya yang galak tersebut. Waktu itu Prisa baru SMP kelas 2, Prisa sangat displin belajar gitar mulai saat itu dan berhenti memainkan piano. Prisa pun kemudian berusaha belajar sendiri melalui buku-buku musik yang tersedia di toko buku, seperti MBS (Music Book Selection). Dari situ Prisa memperlajari bentuk-bentuk chord gitar.
Proses belajar gitar akustik tersebut hanya berlangsung sampai Prisa lulus SMP berhubung sibuknya aktifitas Prisa di SMA 1, tepatnya akhir tahun 2001. Prisa pun langsung melirik gitar elektrik yang menurutnya kelihatan lebih keren. Akhirnya Prisa membeli gitar elektrik pertamanya yaitu Fender Stratocaster mexico hasil patungan dengan orangtuanya untuk mengejar cita-citanya tersebut.
Ketika Prisa beranjak 15 tahun (sekitar tahun 2003), Prisa berusaha membentuk grup bandnya sendiri. Waktu itu Prisa baru kelas 3 SMA dan sempat keluar-masuk di beberapa band.. akhirnya Prisa berhasil membentuk band pertamanya, sebuah band pop cewek bernama: Daijyobu. Di band ini Prisa berperan sebagai gitaris dan vocalis. Tembang yang dibawakan pada saat itu adalah "No Such Thing"nya John Mayer dan beberapa tembang dari "Incubus".
Melihat bakat yang terus mengalir begitu saja, Prisa kemudian membuat sebuah band Rock'n'Roll + Punk Rock bernama "Morning Star". Saat itu band ini khusus membawakan covernya Living End. Ide nama Morning Star itu berasal dari artinya "Lucifer" (di kamus berarti: Bintang Fajar). Band tersebut berpersonil 6 orang, Prisa memainkan gitar akustik dan vokal.
Kesukaan Prisa mendengarkan musik metal ternyata tidak berakhir begitu saja, pada tahun 2004 Prisa membentuk band modern metal bernama Zalayang membawakan tembang-tembang yang hits pada saat itu seperti Killswitch Engage, God Forbid, As I Lay Dying, Avenged Sevenfold, dll. Sejak adanya band inilah Prisa mulai mendapatkan sound distorsi yang diidam-idamkan selama ini, diiringi perkembangan teknik bermain gitar Prisa yang sangat pesat. Bersama band ini juga Prisa sempat menulis beberapa lagu metal karya mereka sendiri. Nama Prisa cukup dikenal di scene underground bersama Zala. Band ini cukup menyita perhatian lantaran isi personelnya cewek semua. Tapi tidak hanya sekedar menjual image saja, skill mereka juga tidak kalah sama band-band cowok. Di tengah kesibukan bersama band Zala, Prisa menyempatkan diri untuk menulis lagu popnya.
Tahun 2006 bisa dibilang sebagai tahun emasnya Prisa dimana karirnya kian sukses. Pada akhir tahun 2005 Prisa untuk pertama kalinya berkenalan dengan Mayzan (pemilik komunitas gitar & Andreas Laratsemi (Clinician Audio Interior di toko Melodia Musik. Untuk pertama kalinya Mayzan bertemu dengan seorang gitaris cewek yang mampu memainkan musik metal dengan sangat tegas dan baik. Prisa kemudian diajak bergabung ke komunitas gitaris online:, di sana Prisa banyak mendapat teman baru dan belajar tentang permainan guitar soloing beserta equipmentnya. Sebelumnya Prisa hanya menguasai teknik ritem gitar. Kedatangan Prisa di komunitas ini juga mendapat sambutan baik dari para member karena minimnya gitaris cewek di Indonesia. Atas saran Diaz (admin Prisa kemudian terpilih sebagai model untuk design website di masa mendatang, disetujui oleh sebagian besar para member Pemotretan pun akhirnya dilakukan pada bulan Februari 2006.
Tidak lama kemudian Prisa memperoleh gitar metal pertamanya yaitu: Fender Telecaster Flathead Custom Shop (Slipknot Signature). Pada bulan Maret 2006, band Zala mendapat kesempatan untuk tampil di acara Java Jazz (JHCC - Senayan). Tidak lama kemudian Prisa juga tampil di harian Kompas 23 April 2006 (mengenai, disusul talk show di Global TV bersama Mayzan juga mengenai di bulan July 2006.
Selain menjadi model, ternyata Prisa juga cepat menjadi teman akrab Mayzan karena persamaan dalam selera musik yaitu musik metal. Persahabatan pun berlangsung dan Prisa sempat menjadi murid Mayzan selama hampir 3 tahun. Prisa banyak memperoleh teknik shred soloing seperti vibrato, arpeggio, alternate & sound guitar dari Mayzan, seperti yang dapat kita saksikan di channel youtube Prisa membawakan beberapa laguMegadeth, Paul Gilbert & Marty Friedman. Semangat Prisa bermain gitar makin menjadi-jadi sejak saat itu... jam latihan bermain gitar Prisa pun makin meningkat. Mayzan akhirnya menyadari bahwa kemampuan vokal dan song writing Prisa ternyata cukup baik dan berbakat. Saat itu Prisa sempat kehilangan semangat & hampir gantung gitar karena jenuh, namun karena dukungan dari Mayzan.. Prisa akhirnya bangkit lagi dan merekam beberapa demo lagu pop dan metalnya di studio Mayzan.
Tidak lama kemudian Prisa membuat lagu pop pertamanya yang berjudul "Hancurkan Aku" yang rencananya merupakan salah satu lagu di album pop mendatangnya. Pada bulan Juni 2006 Prisa kemudian tergabung dalam band metal baru bernama Dead Squad. Di band ini ia bermain dengan salah satu gitaris dari keluarga Audi: Stevie Item, yang juga digawangi oleh Bonny (ex-Tengkorak, ex-vessel) sebagai bassist dan Andyan (ex-Siksa Kubur) sebagai drummer.
Pada suatu hari secara kebetulan Mayzan berkesempatan berkenalan dengan produser DennyChasmala karena Mayzan menjual sebuah efek mini Korg Pandora. Berbekalkan penampilan dan begitu banyak bakat musik yang dimiliki Prisa, Mayzan kemudian memperkenalkan permainan gitar Prisa kepada Denny Chasmala. Kemudian Mayzan bersama Andre Harihandoyo juga memperkenalkan Prisa kepada Eet Sjahranie (Edane), Eross (Shiela On 7) & Mudya (redaktur majalah Gitar Plus). Di luar dugaan permainan gitar, kemampuan vokal, song writing dan penampilan Prisa begitu menarik perhatian mereka. Prisa kemudian kebanjiran job, pada bulan Juli Prisa mendapat kehormatan untuk berkolaborasi dengan salah satu maestro gitar Indonesia, Eet Sjahranie dalam penampilan band Edane di acara bergengsi PRJ membawakan tembang "Cry Out" dan "Kaulah Ibliz".
Selain itu ia juga tampil bersama Abdee Slank di sebuah klinik dan dikontrak selama 2 bulan sebagai additional gitaris dan backing vocal untuk 'band sejuta copy', Sheila On 7, yang baru ditinggal salah satu gitarisnya. Selanjutnya Prisa juga sempat tampil di SCTV dan TVRI bersama Shiela On 7 dan kemudian tour selama 1 bulan dari Jawa Timur hingga Malaysia bersama Shiela on 7 (promo tour album 507). Di negara tetangga tersebut Prisa sempat diwawancara oleh beberapa majalah dan stasion televisi terkemuka dan bermain di depan anak raja Malaysia.
Band metal (Zala) yang dibentuk Prisa terpaksa divakumkan karena jadwal manggung yang sudah sangat padat. Prisa akhirnya memutuskan untuk berhenti dari dunia pendidikan akademis dan memilih untuk terjun sebagai musisi profesional.
Sepulang dari Malaysia, project solo album Prisa langsung digarap oleh produser ternama Denny Chasmala yang rencananya akan dirilis melalui label Aquarius. Di tengah kesibukan rekaman tersebut Prisa juga sempat menjadi cover majalah Gitar Plus edisi 07/2006, menjadi cover majalah HAI edisi "Sekarang Giliran Anak Metal" dan tampil di majalah MTV Trax edisi 11/2006 di column GirlDoYouRock.
Sepulang dari Malaysia, project solo album Prisa langsung digarap oleh produser ternama Denny Chasmala yang rencananya akan dirilis melalui label Aquarius. Di tengah kesibukan rekaman tersebut Prisa juga sempat menjadi cover majalah Gitar Plus edisi 07/2006, menjadi cover majalah HAI edisi "Sekarang Giliran Anak Metal" dan tampil di majalah MTV Trax edisi 11/2006 di column GirlDoYouRock.
Pada bulan Sept 2006, Prisa juga menjadi demonstran untuk produk kabel bergengsi: Analysis Plus selama 4 hari berturut-turut bersama Irvan Askobar di Balai Kartini (Pameran Audio Hi-End: CHEX) sebagai penyanyi dan gitaris. Pada akhir tahun 2006 Prisa juga tampil bersama Mayzan membawakan karya Marty Friedman (Elixir) di sebuah acara gathering akbar di Pondok Indah.
Atas dukungan Mayzan pula pada bulan Juli 2007 Prisa akhirnya diendorse oleh pihak Jackson Guitars. Ia dikontrak untuk menggunakan gitar Jackson DKMG Arch Top. Sebuah gebrakan yang sangat fenomenal mengingat ia adalah gitaris Indonesia pertama yang diendorse oleh Jackson.
Akhir tahun 2007, Prisa memutuskan keluar dari DeadSquad dan membentuk band metal yang seluruh personelnya wanita. Band itu dinamakan Vendetta. Di band ini Prisa juga sudah mulai memainkan gitar 7-string. Hingga awal tahun 2008 Prisa lebih sering terlihat di tv sebagai bintang tamu dalam sejumlah penampilan band-band papan atas tanah air seperti J-Rocks, Samsons,
Akhir tahun 2007, Prisa memutuskan keluar dari DeadSquad dan membentuk band metal yang seluruh personelnya wanita. Band itu dinamakan Vendetta. Di band ini Prisa juga sudah mulai memainkan gitar 7-string. Hingga awal tahun 2008 Prisa lebih sering terlihat di tv sebagai bintang tamu dalam sejumlah penampilan band-band papan atas tanah air seperti J-Rocks, Samsons,
Prisa which since 2001 is known as one of the female rock guitarist turned 20 years old .. exact origin of birth January 6, 1988 Padang (Padang father, nyokap Lampung / Palembang).
One cause Prisa fascination with music began in childhood is due to idle at his home piano. At that time a new Prisa third grade elementary school and also a new seven-year old, but Prisa trying to play it even though her feet could not reach the piano pedals. By chance one day when friends brother came to her house ... Prisa caught trying to play the piano. Stirred the hearts her brother friends to teach basic bit of piano playing, this time trying to teach is a chord.
Outside of these alleged friends brother got surprised with the speed Prisa catching power of a given piano lessons. Since then the friend's sister's response if Prisa musical talent and suggested parents Prisa to give piano lessons to Prisa. At the age of eight years finally Prisa given private piano lessons. It turned out that private tutoring is not provided even a piano, but "electone" (a kind of piano). Electone private lessons are run until the 10-year-old Prisa. Prisa electonenya then developed the game to play the piano, Prisa trying to bring the song "Entertainer" and "Fur Elize" (Beethoven) version of her own.
After graduating elementary Prisa into Dormitory Pelita Harapan (PH), PH at each home school students are required to take one tutoring. Prisa Then simply select the piano without hesitation. Incidentally roommates took piano lessons as well. Apparently Prisa piano playing is far more developed than her roommate's friend got upset and was later moved to musical instruments acoustic guitars. Teachers could Prisa Prisa happy with the progress in her piano playing. But Prisa also feel loss of friends playing music, when he saw his friend lying on the guitar room ... Prisa also became intrigued with the guitar instrument and then surreptitiously play the guitar.
Prisa caught in one day her friend when they were trying to play the guitar, Prisa and then banned by his friend to never again touch the guitar. Finally, in seconds it was also determined to learn the guitar Prisa to rival those of her friends fiercely. Prisa that time two new junior class, highly disciplined Prisa began learning guitar at the time and stopped playing the piano. Prisa was then trying to learn myself through music books available in bookstores, such as MBS (Music Book Selection). From there Prisa study the guitar chord forms.
The process of learning the acoustic guitar only lasted until junior high school graduation since Prisa Prisa hectic activity at the high school one, exactly the end of 2001. Prisa also direct electric guitar which he said looked more stylish look. Prisa finally bought his first electric guitar is a Fender Stratocaster mexico results of a joint venture with his parents to pursue these ideals.
When Prisa turned 15 years old (around 2003), Prisa group trying to form his own band. Prisa that time a new class of three high school and was in and out in a few bands .. Prisa finally succeeded in forming his first band, a girl pop band named: Daijyobu. Prisa plays in this band as a guitarist and vocalist. Songs are sung at the time was "No Such Thing" John Mayer and some of his songs from "Incubus".
See the talent that continues to flow, Prisa and then make a Rock'n'Roll Punk Rock band called "Morning Star". Currently it covers the band brings a special Living End. The idea of Morning Star's name comes from the meaning "Lucifer" (the dictionary meaning: Morning Star). Band berpersonil six people, Prisa plays acoustic guitar and vocals.
Prisa's favorite music to listen to metal it does not end just like that, in the year 2004 Prisa form of modern metal band named Zalayang bring songs-traditional songs that hits at the time such as Killswitch Engage, God Forbid, As I Lay Dying, Avenged Sevenfold, etc.. Since the band is starting to get sound distortion Prisa the coveted all along, accompanied by the development of techniques to play guitar Prisa very rapidly. Together this band Prisa also had time to write some metal songs of their own. Prisa's name was well known in the underground scene with Zala. This band enough attention because the contents of its personnel are all girls. But not just selling the image alone, also did not lose their skills as a boy bands. In the midst of busy with the band Zala, Prisa taking the time to write pop songs.
Year 2006 can be regarded as the golden years Prisa where increasingly successful career. At the end of 2005 Prisa for the first time acquainted with Mayzan (community owner guitar) & Andreas Laratsemi (Audio Interior clinician) in Melodia Music store. For the first time Mayzan met a girl guitarist who can play metal music with a very firm and good. Prisa later invited to join an online guitarist community:, there Prisa many got new friends and learn about the game and its equipmentnya guitar soloing. Prisa previously only mastered rhythm guitar. Prisa's arrival in this community is also well received from its member because of the lack of female guitarists in Indonesia. At the suggestion Diaz (admin Prisa and then elected as a model for website design in the future, approved by a majority of the members Shooting was eventually carried out in February 2006.
Not long after his first Prisa gain metal guitars are: Fender Telecaster Flathead Custom Shop (Slipknot Signature). In March 2006, the band Zala had the opportunity to perform at the event Java Jazz (JHCC - Senayan). Not long after Prisa also appeared in Kompas 23 April 2006 (about, followed by talk show on Global TV with Mayzan also about in July 2006.
In addition to being a model, Prisa was also fast becoming a close friend Mayzan because musical tastes are similarities in metal music. Friendship was going on and Prisa Mayzan could be a student for almost three years. Prisa much gain shred soloing techniques like vibrato, arpeggios, alternate & Mayzan sound of the guitar, as we saw on the youtube channel Prisa brought some laguMegadeth, Paul Gilbert & Marty Friedman. Prisa spirit guitar playing became increasingly become since then ... hours of practice playing the guitar Prisa also increasing. Mayzan finally realized that the vocal and song writing ability Prisa turned out pretty good and talented. At that Prisa had lost the spirit & the guitar because it depends almost saturated, but because of support from Mayzan .. Prisa finally got up again and record some demo songs in the studio of pop and metal Mayzan.
Not long after Prisa makes his first pop song entitled "Destroy Me" that the plan is one of the songs on his upcoming pop album. In June 2006, Prisa and then merged into a new metal band called Dead Squad. In this band he played with one guitarist of the Audi family: Stevie item, which is also fronted by Bonny (ex-Skull, ex-vessel) as a bassist and Andyan (ex-Bury punishment) as a drummer.
One day by chance opportunity to meet with producer Mayzan DennyChasmala because Mayzan selling a mini Korg Pandora effects. Berbekalkan appearances and so much musical talent possessed Prisa, Mayzan then introduced to the guitar Prisa Chasmala Denny. Then Mayzan with Andre Harihandoyo Prisa also introduced to the EET Sjahranie (Edane), Eross (Shiela On 7) & Mudya (Plus Guitar magazine editor). Unexpectedly guitar, vocal ability, song writing and performances that attract their attention Prisa. Prisa and then flooded the job, in July Prisa honored to collaborate with one guitar Indonesia, EET Sjahranie in Edane bands performing at the prestigious event brought PRJ song "Cry Out" and "You're Ibliz".
He also performed with Abdee Slank in a clinic and contracted for two months as an additional guitarist and backing vocals for 'band a million copies', Sheila On 7, who had left one of the guitarists. Furthermore, Prisa also briefly appeared on SCTV and TVRI with Shiela On 7 and then tour for a month from East Java to Malaysia with Shiela on 7 (507 album promo tour). In neighboring countries such Prisa could be interviewed by several magazines and a leading television station and playing in front of the child king of Malaysia.
Metal band (Zala) established Prisa forced divakumkan for a gig schedule is already very solid. Prisa finally decided to retire from the world of academic education and chose to plunge as a professional musician.Returning from Malaysia, the project worked on a solo album by the producer directly Prisa famous Denny Chasmala that will be released through the label Aquarius. In the midst of busy recording Prisa also could be a cover of Guitar magazine edition 07/2006 Plus, a magazine cover HAI edition of "Now turn to the Son of Metal" and appeared on MTV Trax magazine 11/2006 edition in GirlDoYouRock column.
In Sept. 2006, Prisa is also a product demonstrator for prestigious cable: Analysis Plus for four consecutive days with Irvan Askobar at Balai Kartini (Hi-End Audio Exhibition: CHEX) as a singer and guitarist. At the end of 2006 Prisa also brought the work performed together Mayzan Marty Friedman (Elixir) at a grand gathering events in Pondok Indah
Top Mayzan support in July 2007 also finally endorsed by the party Prisa Jackson Guitars. He was contracted to use DKMG Jackson Arch Top guitar. A buzz is phenomenal considering he was the first Indonesian guitarists endorsed by Jackson.
End of year 2007, Prisa decided out of DeadSquad and formed metal band that all personnel are women. The band was named Vendetta. Prisa also in this band has started playing seven-string guitar. Until early 2008 Prisa more often seen on TV as a guest star appearance in a number of top bands such as homeland J-Rocks, Samson,
Prisa which since 2001 is known as one of the female rock guitarist turned 20 years old .. exact origin of birth January 6, 1988 Padang (Padang father, nyokap Lampung / Palembang).
One cause Prisa fascination with music began in childhood is due to idle at his home piano. At that time a new Prisa third grade elementary school and also a new seven-year old, but Prisa trying to play it even though her feet could not reach the piano pedals. By chance one day when friends brother came to her house ... Prisa caught trying to play the piano. Stirred the hearts her brother friends to teach basic bit of piano playing, this time trying to teach is a chord.
Outside of these alleged friends brother got surprised with the speed Prisa catching power of a given piano lessons. Since then the friend's sister's response if Prisa musical talent and suggested parents Prisa to give piano lessons to Prisa. At the age of eight years finally Prisa given private piano lessons. It turned out that private tutoring is not provided even a piano, but "electone" (a kind of piano). Electone private lessons are run until the 10-year-old Prisa. Prisa electonenya then developed the game to play the piano, Prisa trying to bring the song "Entertainer" and "Fur Elize" (Beethoven) version of her own.
After graduating elementary Prisa into Dormitory Pelita Harapan (PH), PH at each home school students are required to take one tutoring. Prisa Then simply select the piano without hesitation. Incidentally roommates took piano lessons as well. Apparently Prisa piano playing is far more developed than her roommate's friend got upset and was later moved to musical instruments acoustic guitars. Teachers could Prisa Prisa happy with the progress in her piano playing. But Prisa also feel loss of friends playing music, when he saw his friend lying on the guitar room ... Prisa also became intrigued with the guitar instrument and then surreptitiously play the guitar.
Prisa caught in one day her friend when they were trying to play the guitar, Prisa and then banned by his friend to never again touch the guitar. Finally, in seconds it was also determined to learn the guitar Prisa to rival those of her friends fiercely. Prisa that time two new junior class, highly disciplined Prisa began learning guitar at the time and stopped playing the piano. Prisa was then trying to learn myself through music books available in bookstores, such as MBS (Music Book Selection). From there Prisa study the guitar chord forms.
The process of learning the acoustic guitar only lasted until junior high school graduation since Prisa Prisa hectic activity at the high school one, exactly the end of 2001. Prisa also direct electric guitar which he said looked more stylish look. Prisa finally bought his first electric guitar is a Fender Stratocaster mexico results of a joint venture with his parents to pursue these ideals.
When Prisa turned 15 years old (around 2003), Prisa group trying to form his own band. Prisa that time a new class of three high school and was in and out in a few bands .. Prisa finally succeeded in forming his first band, a girl pop band named: Daijyobu. Prisa plays in this band as a guitarist and vocalist. Songs are sung at the time was "No Such Thing" John Mayer and some of his songs from "Incubus".
See the talent that continues to flow, Prisa and then make a Rock'n'Roll Punk Rock band called "Morning Star". Currently it covers the band brings a special Living End. The idea of Morning Star's name comes from the meaning "Lucifer" (the dictionary meaning: Morning Star). Band berpersonil six people, Prisa plays acoustic guitar and vocals.
Prisa's favorite music to listen to metal it does not end just like that, in the year 2004 Prisa form of modern metal band named Zalayang bring songs-traditional songs that hits at the time such as Killswitch Engage, God Forbid, As I Lay Dying, Avenged Sevenfold, etc.. Since the band is starting to get sound distortion Prisa the coveted all along, accompanied by the development of techniques to play guitar Prisa very rapidly. Together this band Prisa also had time to write some metal songs of their own. Prisa's name was well known in the underground scene with Zala. This band enough attention because the contents of its personnel are all girls. But not just selling the image alone, also did not lose their skills as a boy bands. In the midst of busy with the band Zala, Prisa taking the time to write pop songs.
Year 2006 can be regarded as the golden years Prisa where increasingly successful career. At the end of 2005 Prisa for the first time acquainted with Mayzan (community owner guitar) & Andreas Laratsemi (Audio Interior clinician) in Melodia Music store. For the first time Mayzan met a girl guitarist who can play metal music with a very firm and good. Prisa later invited to join an online guitarist community:, there Prisa many got new friends and learn about the game and its equipmentnya guitar soloing. Prisa previously only mastered rhythm guitar. Prisa's arrival in this community is also well received from its member because of the lack of female guitarists in Indonesia. At the suggestion Diaz (admin Prisa and then elected as a model for website design in the future, approved by a majority of the members Shooting was eventually carried out in February 2006.
Not long after his first Prisa gain metal guitars are: Fender Telecaster Flathead Custom Shop (Slipknot Signature). In March 2006, the band Zala had the opportunity to perform at the event Java Jazz (JHCC - Senayan). Not long after Prisa also appeared in Kompas 23 April 2006 (about, followed by talk show on Global TV with Mayzan also about in July 2006.
In addition to being a model, Prisa was also fast becoming a close friend Mayzan because musical tastes are similarities in metal music. Friendship was going on and Prisa Mayzan could be a student for almost three years. Prisa much gain shred soloing techniques like vibrato, arpeggios, alternate & Mayzan sound of the guitar, as we saw on the youtube channel Prisa brought some laguMegadeth, Paul Gilbert & Marty Friedman. Prisa spirit guitar playing became increasingly become since then ... hours of practice playing the guitar Prisa also increasing. Mayzan finally realized that the vocal and song writing ability Prisa turned out pretty good and talented. At that Prisa had lost the spirit & the guitar because it depends almost saturated, but because of support from Mayzan .. Prisa finally got up again and record some demo songs in the studio of pop and metal Mayzan.
Not long after Prisa makes his first pop song entitled "Destroy Me" that the plan is one of the songs on his upcoming pop album. In June 2006, Prisa and then merged into a new metal band called Dead Squad. In this band he played with one guitarist of the Audi family: Stevie item, which is also fronted by Bonny (ex-Skull, ex-vessel) as a bassist and Andyan (ex-Bury punishment) as a drummer.
One day by chance opportunity to meet with producer Mayzan DennyChasmala because Mayzan selling a mini Korg Pandora effects. Berbekalkan appearances and so much musical talent possessed Prisa, Mayzan then introduced to the guitar Prisa Chasmala Denny. Then Mayzan with Andre Harihandoyo Prisa also introduced to the EET Sjahranie (Edane), Eross (Shiela On 7) & Mudya (Plus Guitar magazine editor). Unexpectedly guitar, vocal ability, song writing and performances that attract their attention Prisa. Prisa and then flooded the job, in July Prisa honored to collaborate with one guitar Indonesia, EET Sjahranie in Edane bands performing at the prestigious event brought PRJ song "Cry Out" and "You're Ibliz".
He also performed with Abdee Slank in a clinic and contracted for two months as an additional guitarist and backing vocals for 'band a million copies', Sheila On 7, who had left one of the guitarists. Furthermore, Prisa also briefly appeared on SCTV and TVRI with Shiela On 7 and then tour for a month from East Java to Malaysia with Shiela on 7 (507 album promo tour). In neighboring countries such Prisa could be interviewed by several magazines and a leading television station and playing in front of the child king of Malaysia.
Metal band (Zala) established Prisa forced divakumkan for a gig schedule is already very solid. Prisa finally decided to retire from the world of academic education and chose to plunge as a professional musician.Returning from Malaysia, the project worked on a solo album by the producer directly Prisa famous Denny Chasmala that will be released through the label Aquarius. In the midst of busy recording Prisa also could be a cover of Guitar magazine edition 07/2006 Plus, a magazine cover HAI edition of "Now turn to the Son of Metal" and appeared on MTV Trax magazine 11/2006 edition in GirlDoYouRock column.
In Sept. 2006, Prisa is also a product demonstrator for prestigious cable: Analysis Plus for four consecutive days with Irvan Askobar at Balai Kartini (Hi-End Audio Exhibition: CHEX) as a singer and guitarist. At the end of 2006 Prisa also brought the work performed together Mayzan Marty Friedman (Elixir) at a grand gathering events in Pondok Indah
Top Mayzan support in July 2007 also finally endorsed by the party Prisa Jackson Guitars. He was contracted to use DKMG Jackson Arch Top guitar. A buzz is phenomenal considering he was the first Indonesian guitarists endorsed by Jackson.
End of year 2007, Prisa decided out of DeadSquad and formed metal band that all personnel are women. The band was named Vendetta. Prisa also in this band has started playing seven-string guitar. Until early 2008 Prisa more often seen on TV as a guest star appearance in a number of top bands such as homeland J-Rocks, Samson,
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