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Siapa yang tak kenal figur yang satu ini. Lewat goyang ngebornya yang fenomenal, karir artis dangdut yang dikenal sebagai Inul Daratista ini mulai melejit di tahun 2003.
Malah, sebuah harian terkemuka ibu kota menurunkan sampai 77 artikel tentang Inul dalam kurun waktu dua bulan sejak kemunculannya. Televisi juga tak mau ketinggalan, kisah hidup Inul dibuat dua sinetron yang masing-masing bertajuk Kenapa Harus Inul? dan Gara-gara Inul.
Demam Inul tak hanya menyerang media lokal, media internasional sekaliber Time meluncurkan dua halaman tentang Inul di edisi 24 Maret 2003.
Inul pertama kali tampil di acara dangdut pada sebuah televisi swasta tahun 2003. Dari penampilan perdananya, Inul menuai kontroversi. Salah satu kontroversi yang gencar terdengar adalah dari raja dangdut, Rhoma Irama. Hal ini sejalan dengan pencekalan yang dilontarkan sebuah perkumpulan artis dangdut.
Akan tetapi, semakin banyak kontroversi yang Inul dapatkan, popularitasnya malah semakin tinggi. Ketika banyak pencekalan untuk manggung di daerah tertentu, order yang datang dari daerah lain malah semakin bertambah. Malah, tawaran dari negara tetangga pun berdatangan.
Sebelum menjadi artis dangdut ternama, wanita bernama lengkap Ainur Rokhimah ini adalah penyanyi dangdut biasa. Inul manggung dari satu tempat ke tempat lain di kampungnya di Desa Kejapanan, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Inul manggung dari satu hajatan ke hajatan yang lain.
Ayahnya, Abdullah Aman, sangat menentang profesi Inul sebagai penyanyi. Pasalnya, Inul jarang sekali berada di rumah. Selain itu, Inul kerap kali membolos sekolah. Rupanya Inul keranjingan manggung di hajatan. Tak pelak lagi, ayahnya marah dan melarang Inul menjadi penyanyi.
Masa kecil Inul sudah menunjukkan bakatnya dalam bermusik. Ketika Inul duduk di bangku SD, darah seninya sudah mulai tampak. Kedua orangtuanya sering mendapatinya tengah bernyanyi dan menari.
Inul senang bernyanyi lagu-lagu rock Ahmad Albar dan Nicky Astria yang ia dengar di radio. Sambil menikmati musik, Inul kecil juga senang bermain hula hoop; memutar lingkaran rotan di pinggang.
Semasa SMP, Inul mendapat pelatihan dan perhatian khusus dari guru kesenian di sekolahnya. Inul diajari cara menyanyi dan menari oleh guru itu. Sejak itu pula, kemapuan Inul dalam menari dan bernyanyi semakin terasah. Saat itu, Inul belum melirik musik dangdut. Cintanya masih pada aliran pop dan rock.
Keinginan Inul manggung semakin tak terbendung ketika ia menginjak usia SMA. Selama sebulan Inul membolos sekolah demi menyanyi. Akhirnya, Inul memutuskan untuk berhenti sekolah. Kemudian, Inul mencoba peruntungan di Surabaya. Inul dan bandnya kerap tampil di hotel dan cafe. Mereka membawakan hits rock milik hallowen.
Namun, ketika gaung musik rock di tanah air surut, Inul merasa kariernya sebagai penyanyi akan terancam. Sehingga, Inul bergabung menjadi penyanyi di orkes melayu yang kebetulan dekat dengan rumah Inul. Inul tak menyangka justru di jalur dangdut inilah dirinya akan meraih sukses.
Akan tetapi, persaingan dangdut yang ketat memaksa Inul untuk tampil beda. Inul mencoba menciptakan goyangan yang energik dan sportif, atau lebih dikenal sebagai goyang ngebor.
Usaha Inul membuahkan hasil. Karier Inul pun semakin menanjak di dunia dangdut. Malah, masyarakat mengenal dia sebagai ratu ngebor. Selain tampil di berbagai panggung nasional dan internasional, Inul juga kebanjiran order menjadi bintang iklan, bermain sinetron, dan rekaman album. Bahkan, hingga 2006 Inul telah memproduksi 16 album.
Selain berbagai kesibukan itu, Inul juga melebarkan sayap dengan menggeluti dunia bisnis karaoke. Bisnis karaoke itu dia beri nama Inul Vista. Kini, Inul Vista tengah membuka sejumlah cabang di Jakarta dan Bandung. (Eric 574nk)
Who does not know this one figure. Ngebornya rocking through a phenomenal career, known as dangdut artist Inul this fame in 2003.
In fact, a leading daily lowered the capital until the 77th article about Inul within a period of two months since its emergence. Television also did not want to miss, Inul's life story is made of two soap operas, each titled Why Should Inul? and Because of Inul.
Inul Fever not only attacking the local media, international media caliber Time launched two pages about Inul on March 24, 2003 edition.
Inul first appeared on the show dangdut on a private television in 2003. From his debut, Inul reap the controversy. One of the intense controversy that was heard from the king of dangdut, Rhoma Irama. This is in line with the ban that was brought up a bevy dangdut artist.
However, more controversies that Inul get, its popularity even higher. While many travel ban for playing in certain areas, orders that come from other regions actually increased. In fact, the bid from neighboring countries came.
Before becoming famous dangdut artist, a woman named full Ainur dangdut singer Rokhimah is normal. Inul gig from one place to another at home in the Village Kejapanan, Pasuruan, East Java. Inul gig from one celebration to another celebration.
His father, Abdullah, Aman, is strongly opposed to the profession as a singer Inul. Because, Inul rarely at home. In addition, Inul often skipped school. Apparently Inul avid gig at the feast. Inevitably, his father was angry and banned Inul become a singer.
Childhood Inul has shown his talent in music. When sitting on the bench Inul SD, blood was beginning to look his art. Both parents often find it the middle of singing and dancing.
Inul happy singing rock songs and Nicky Astria Ahmad Albar that he heard on the radio. While enjoying music, small Inul also likes to play the hula hoop, play circle rattan at the waist.
As a junior, Inul get training and special attention from the art teacher at his school. Inul taught how to sing and dance by the teacher. Since then, kemapuan Inul in dancing and singing more and more refined. At that time, Inul has not glanced dangdut music. His love is still on the pop and rock flow.
Inul desire gig increasingly unstoppable when he stepped on high school age. Inul skipped school for a month for singing. Finally, Inul decided to quit school. Then, Inul try their luck in Surabaya. Inul and his band often performed in hotels and cafes. They brought Halloween's rock hits.
However, when the echoes of rock music in the ground water receded, his career as a singer Inul will feel threatened. Thus, Inul join the orchestra as a singer who happens to wither Inul close to home. Inul not think this is precisely the point dangdut he would succeed.
However, tight competition forced dangdut Inul to look different. Inul trying to create an energetic and sporty oscillation, or better known as the rocking ngebor.
Inul efforts fruitless. Inul careers are increasingly rising in the world of dangdut. In fact, the community recognized him as the queen ngebor. Besides appearing in various national and international stage, Inul also inundated orders into commercials, soap operas playing, and recording albums. In fact, until 2006 Inul has produced 16 albums.
In addition to a variety of busyness that, Inul also expanded its business with the world wrestle karaoke. Karaoke business that he named Inul Vista. Now, Inul Vista center opened several branches in Jakarta and Bandung. (Eric 574nk)
Who does not know this one figure. Ngebornya rocking through a phenomenal career, known as dangdut artist Inul this fame in 2003.
In fact, a leading daily lowered the capital until the 77th article about Inul within a period of two months since its emergence. Television also did not want to miss, Inul's life story is made of two soap operas, each titled Why Should Inul? and Because of Inul.
Inul Fever not only attacking the local media, international media caliber Time launched two pages about Inul on March 24, 2003 edition.
Inul first appeared on the show dangdut on a private television in 2003. From his debut, Inul reap the controversy. One of the intense controversy that was heard from the king of dangdut, Rhoma Irama. This is in line with the ban that was brought up a bevy dangdut artist.
However, more controversies that Inul get, its popularity even higher. While many travel ban for playing in certain areas, orders that come from other regions actually increased. In fact, the bid from neighboring countries came.
Before becoming famous dangdut artist, a woman named full Ainur dangdut singer Rokhimah is normal. Inul gig from one place to another at home in the Village Kejapanan, Pasuruan, East Java. Inul gig from one celebration to another celebration.
His father, Abdullah, Aman, is strongly opposed to the profession as a singer Inul. Because, Inul rarely at home. In addition, Inul often skipped school. Apparently Inul avid gig at the feast. Inevitably, his father was angry and banned Inul become a singer.
Childhood Inul has shown his talent in music. When sitting on the bench Inul SD, blood was beginning to look his art. Both parents often find it the middle of singing and dancing.
Inul happy singing rock songs and Nicky Astria Ahmad Albar that he heard on the radio. While enjoying music, small Inul also likes to play the hula hoop, play circle rattan at the waist.
As a junior, Inul get training and special attention from the art teacher at his school. Inul taught how to sing and dance by the teacher. Since then, kemapuan Inul in dancing and singing more and more refined. At that time, Inul has not glanced dangdut music. His love is still on the pop and rock flow.
Inul desire gig increasingly unstoppable when he stepped on high school age. Inul skipped school for a month for singing. Finally, Inul decided to quit school. Then, Inul try their luck in Surabaya. Inul and his band often performed in hotels and cafes. They brought Halloween's rock hits.
However, when the echoes of rock music in the ground water receded, his career as a singer Inul will feel threatened. Thus, Inul join the orchestra as a singer who happens to wither Inul close to home. Inul not think this is precisely the point dangdut he would succeed.
However, tight competition forced dangdut Inul to look different. Inul trying to create an energetic and sporty oscillation, or better known as the rocking ngebor.
Inul efforts fruitless. Inul careers are increasingly rising in the world of dangdut. In fact, the community recognized him as the queen ngebor. Besides appearing in various national and international stage, Inul also inundated orders into commercials, soap operas playing, and recording albums. In fact, until 2006 Inul has produced 16 albums.
In addition to a variety of busyness that, Inul also expanded its business with the world wrestle karaoke. Karaoke business that he named Inul Vista. Now, Inul Vista center opened several branches in Jakarta and Bandung. (Eric 574nk)
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